New Release of Interscriber

March 31, 2022

New Release of Interscriber

After more than one year of intense development, we are proud to present the new Interscriber.

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Swiss Dialect Collection

June 8, 2021

Swiss Dialect Collection

We co-organized the Swiss Dialect Collection, where more than 200 hours of audio recordings in Swiss dialects were gathered.  

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Interscriber v1.0 released

September 29, 2020

Interscriber v1.0 released

We are proud to announce the first release Interscriber, our software for automatic transcription of interviews.

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Winner at GermEval 2020 on Swiss German Speech-to-Text | Spinning Bytes

September 25, 2020

Winner at GermEval 2020 on Swiss German Speech-to-Text | Spinning Bytes

Our team won the GermEval competition 2020 on “ Low-Resource Speech-to-Text ”, where we successfully transcribed Swiss German audio (in “Berndeutsch”) to the standard German text.

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Innosuisse Project with ZHAW

July 25, 2020

Innosuisse Project with ZHAW

In July 2020, the Swiss Innovation Agency Innosuisse accepted our proposal for a research project on Dialogue Transcription. Together with the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), we will develop…

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20 billion documents processed

April 27, 2019

20 billion documents processed

Across all our customers and projects, we have already processed more than 20 billion documents! We want to say a warm thank you to all our customers and partners that…

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Winner of Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services Startup Grant 2019

December 1, 2018

Winner of Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services Startup Grant 2019

SpinningBytes was granted a two-year free membership in the Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services.

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Second and third Place at GermEval 2018 Shared Task

September 21, 2018

Second and third Place at GermEval 2018 Shared Task

Our solution for Hatespeech Detection won second and third place in the GermEval 2018 Shared Task on German Hatespeech Detection.

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Second Place at VarDial 2018 Shared Task on Swiss-German Dialect Identification!

June 30, 2018

Second Place at VarDial 2018 Shared Task on Swiss-German Dialect Identification!

We are very proud to announce that Fernando Benites won second place at the Shared Task on Swiss-German Dialect Identification (GDI) at the VarDial competition this year.

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TedxTalk | A Guided Tour through the World of Text Analytics | Mark Cieliebak

April 22, 2018

TedxTalk | A Guided Tour through the World of Text Analytics | Mark Cieliebak

Mark Cieliebak participated in a TEDxYouth@Zurich talk in 2018. With Artificial Intelligence gaining ground in sophistication every day, Mark discussed the recent advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP), which covers…

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Sponsor of SwissText 2017

June 9, 2017

Sponsor of SwissText 2017

We are one of the main sponsors of the second installment of the SwissText 2017 , the biggest Swiss Text Analytics Conference, with keynotes and presentations by distinguished international experts…

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Beekeeper | CTI project

April 27, 2017

Beekeeper | CTI project

In 2015-2016, together with ZHAW and Beekeeper, we worked on a Community Management Cockpit project. Beekeeper generates the greatest added value for its customers in the form of Community Dashboards,…

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Release of Sentiment Corpus Deutsch SB-10k

March 6, 2017

Release of Sentiment Corpus Deutsch SB-10k

We have created and released a new corpus for german sentiment analysis based on Twitter data. The new corpus and the German word embeddings (plain and optimized) are publicly available.

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Winner of EvalItalia 2016

December 7, 2016

Winner of EvalItalia 2016

Our solution for sentiment analysis performed best in the “sentipolc” task on Italian tweets

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Research Project for Deep Learning accepted

September 1, 2016

Research Project for Deep Learning accepted

Our project proposal “DeepText” was accepted by CTI, the Swiss Commission for Technology and Innovation. Together with three pilot customers and ZHAW, we developed a software for automatic text understanding…

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ETH Spin-off

August 25, 2016

ETH Spin-off

We are now an officially accredited spin-off of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH).

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Co-Founder becomes Professor at EPFL

August 1, 2016

Co-Founder becomes Professor at EPFL

Martin Jaggi accepted a call to EPFL in Lausanne, where he is now Assistant Professor for computer science.

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Product Release of Sentiment Library

July 1, 2016

Product Release of Sentiment Library

We released our first ready-to-use product: A software library for sentiment analysis in English, German, Spanish, Italian, and Dutch.

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Winner of SemEval 2016

June 16, 2016

Winner of SemEval 2016

Our solution for sentiment analysis on English tweets outperformed all other teams on Task 4 of SemEval-2016.

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Best Presentation Award

June 8, 2016

Best Presentation Award

Our co-founder Martin Jaggi won the Best Presentation Award at SwissText 2016. Congratulations!

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Co-Founder left for Google

May 1, 2016

Co-Founder left for Google

Fatih Uzdilli moves to the Google Lab in Zurich, where he will continue his work on software for automatic text understanding. We wish him all the best!

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Sponsor of SwissText 2016

April 1, 2016

Sponsor of SwissText 2016

We are one of the main sponsors of SwissText 2016, the 1st Swiss Text Analytics Conference.

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SpinningBytes goes CeBIT

March 14, 2016

SpinningBytes goes CeBIT

We were invited by the Department for Economic Affairs of Canton Zurich to join the Swiss Pavillion at CeBIT 2016 .

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ZHAW Spin-off

January 26, 2016

ZHAW Spin-off

We are an official spin-off of Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW).

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We have a First Customer!

October 15, 2015

We have a First Customer!

We made a concept for automatic detection of company names in news articles. Customer is a Swiss company for reputation risk management.

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Launch Party

August 18, 2015

Launch Party

We celebrated our new company with a huge party. More than 100 distinguished guests enjoyed a great night at the lake.

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Research Project Accepted

June 29, 2015

Research Project Accepted

The Swiss Commission of Technology and Innovation (CTI) accepted our proposal for a research project. We will develop sentiment analysis for English, German and Swiss German.

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We are SpinningBytes

February 27, 2015

We are SpinningBytes

Today we founded our company! Great moment, looking forward to what will come!

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